The sail to St. Augustine from Fernandina Beach can take as little as 8 hours, or as much as 12 depending on the weather. So on these days where the sun is only up for a few hours we like to leave at dusk and arrive a dawn and play a game of “how slow can you go”.

This time we has super flat water and had a pleasant ride down.

Another thing we like to do is to anchor north of the Bridge of Lions and sleep the first day of our arrival so we did just that. Of course this time we found ourselves entering the inlet in white out fog. Anchored in white out fog. And spent the day sitting in varying amounts of fog.

Luckily the next morning we found good visibility and no fog so we did the 7am bridge opening and slid into our dock space with ease. Our good friend Ed was there on the dock waiting for us to grab out lines and tie us up.

And so here we are in St. Augustine for three months. Tons of work to do. Work wise there are a bunch of projects. Boat wise there are even more projects. And children wise there are even more projects still.

Both boys need to get their Merchant Mariner Chridential this winter.

I need to put a proper bimini on the boat with solar mounts, I’d like to replace some of the running rigging, I’d love to be able to replace the autopilot’s drive, and there are so many little projects such as rebedding the hatches and fixing some gell coating.

These first few days though. Is all about rest and reconnecting with our winter friends.