With our stay in Fernandina Beach extended twice I was very happy to see the perfect weather window to head offshore to Charleston SC. We “probably” could have made it all the way to Cape Fear but we have some friends in Charleston and were hoping to see them.

PLUS the biggest benefit is that the Charleston Maritime Center has UNLIMITED FREE LAUNDRY. Which every cruiser knows is the #1 best thing ever. The plan was to wash everything from our dirty clothes, bedding, blankets, clothes from our drawers, and even the out of season stuff that was in storage. Wash and SUPER DRY to get any mildew smells out even from the clean clothes, pack everything nicely and be ready for warm nights in warm clean sheets.

We also had some city related things to do such as making a run to the Apple Store for a pair of “emergency wired headphones” and new AirPod plastic tips for Liam, a trip to the Hospitality Fountain for me, and of course lots of café time and a tiny bit of boat work.

A week tied to the dock also meant unlimited water and electricity so we conceived our propane by using the electric galley equipment and left starlink on 24/7