We arrived in Provincetown on May 20th when it was still a bit early and we were one of the first ones in the harbor. Today is June 25th and there are still boats arriving. But we were on a mission.

That mission was to give the boys as many connective days as possible in Provincetown to work. Specifically Ryan since he really wants to get off on his own. And while the week off in Hawaii was a distraction at best for him he has already demonstrated that he can find work quickly. Although in Provincetown when you walk into a restaurant with experience and mention that this is your fourth consecutive summer in Provincetown and you don’t need housing you are likely to get hired on the spot. Ryan will need winter housing if he’s going to stay in Provincetown though. And that will be a challenge for another day.

The mission for Liam was also work related. He still needs to take his STCW and Launch License courses since I was unable to drive him after my accident. He’s all signed up in our first month and has finished the online component. I will need to drive him for his two days of in person training in New Bedford Massachusetts and “I forget” Connecticut. Liam was a little slow hunting for work and with a limited number of marinas in the harbor he missed out on that one. He’ll swing back through after his courses are done and then we’ll put out the word that he’s available for day work.

As for me, it’s been nose to the grindstone. I’ve been redesigning the courses for the BA in Hospitality Management, and drinking shocking amounts of tea. My usual routine of morning work, work from the cafe, work from the library, swing by the grocery or hardware store on the way home, and then work from the boat some more doesn’t make for a dramatic or interesting story but that’s essentially been our month here.

But I get paid on July 1st and am expecting three paychecks. My regular, my overtime, and an annual bonus. With luck it’s my regular paycheck X3 but I don’t think it will be that high. We have a few summer projects that will need done.

  1. Upgrading the dinghy motor to the max labeled rating so we can get Ryan to and from shore to work.
  2. Rent a car and a set of hotel rooms to take Liam to his training in early July.
  3. Get a bimni kit sent to us and install it.
  4. Find a way to get two very large solar panels to us and install them.
  5. Other random boat projects and routine maintenance.

So lots to do this summer. June was just getting here and getting settled. July is when the work starts.